Innovation Norway and partners invited Slovak businesses, startups, scaleups, researchers, investors and other involved parties to a networking event within the Oslo Innovation Week 2023 in Oslo. Based on the cooperation on the Micro Piraňa project with the Research Agency and Norway Grants, we participated on the events within the OIW 2023 from 25.09 to 28.09.2023
We had the opportunity to dive into the innovation ecosystem for a few days at Oslo Innovation Week 2023. We met a lot of great professionals, startups and investors with whom we had discussions about market trends and potential cooperation. At the events, we were captivated by groundbreaking green tech solutions, as well as industrial perspectives on the future of AI in Europe and the transformative impact of grants on business development.
This event showcased the power of unity in advancing forward towards a sustainable and innovative tomorrow. The connections made, ideas exchanged and partnerships formed are the foundation of future success.