Last week the first thick-walled shell of the new ROEZ-RAR II ammonia reactor arrived at Unipetrol RPA, Litvínov, thus fulfilling an important milestone in the ammonia unit modernization project. The good coordination between the teams of the investor Unipetrol RPA (Orlen), the general contractor and designer ROEZ and the shell fabricator Škoda JS from the development, design to the production phase deserves recognition. I wish all teams lot of success in the next phases of the project and new business ideas in the field of ammonia production – so in demand for the development of a green and hydrogen economy (hydrogen transport in the form of ammonia)! ( Some interesting technical information – the total operating weight of the vessel after installation and insertion of the catalyst is 250 tons, maximum test pressure 450 bar (operating 318 bar / 200 ° C), dimensions – length 20 meters, shell wall thickness 124.0 mm, inner diameter 1750 mm)