Heat and power back-up stations
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Záložné zdroje tepla a energie (4)
Energy centres
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Systems for nuclear safety enhacement
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Systémy pre zvyšovanie bezpečnosti jadrových elektrární
Ammonia production plants
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Výrobne čpavku
Large hydro solutions - on/off and control duty
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Veľké vodohospodárske riešenia uzatvárania a regulácie prietoku
Pump and circulation centres
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Čerpacie a cirkulačné centrá
Steam reduction and bypass stations
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Redukčné a bypasové stanice pary
Large chiller stations
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Veľké chladiace stanice
Filtrations stations
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Filtračné stanice (3)
Compressed air stations
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Stanice na výrobu stačeného vzduchu (2)
Upgrades of pressure and heatexchange systems
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Rekonštrukcie tlakových systémov a systémov výmeny tepla (3)
Industrial facilities
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Priemyselné stavby